Marketing Tools: What are the leaflets?
Dissemination and distribution of leaflets – a powerful marketing tool included in the complex BTL (Bellow the line)
– activities at the professional approach which can achieve good success – to create in the mind of the consumer a positive image of the promoted product or service, to fix the image, and thanks to the positive associative series push the consumer to buy.
To disseminate printed materials (including the distribution of leaflets) is a report of the advertising information (or information of a different kind) to the maximum number of potential customers in a particular area (or several areas).
What is a leaflet? Leaflet – a white sheet of paper or any other color, the printing information filled with one or more ink colors. The leaflet can be advertising, information or image nature, depending on what products or services it offers, as well as from that of the target audience, to whose interest it is calculated.
Leaflets are indispensable in cases where required to present once a product or service, give full information about it and its characteristics, and to indicate in what place it can be purchased.
Leaflets will help you in time to carry out a reminder to the potential buyer about your company or products (services), as well as the need for their purchase. Colorful fliers makes them excellent handouts on various exhibitions, presentations of new types of products, promotions on the streets.
Thoughtful experts stylish design your flyers will make your product or service more attractive among similar proposals of your competitors.
Important to obtain the maximum profit is the selection method of distribution. In order to select it, can be made small promotions in several places at a time.
About what is the return on handing out leaflets, can be judged only approximately. According to statistics, it is from 0.1 to 10%. According to the results of marketing research the most successful results achieved in the distribution of leaflets themselves directly to the point of sale, or next to them. According to marketing agency Mass Connections flyers and leaflets read, or at least quickly looks round about 15% of shoppers.
Options for distributing leaflets/advertisements/brochures
The layout of ads under the windshield wipers of cars.
Despite the lower prevalence compared with the service distribution of leaflets, the layout of ads under the windshield wipers of cars in some cases is also very effective. The layout of announcements made, or at the large parking lots in the center or on the parking lots of supermarkets and shopping centers. Especially easy to use layout when there is advertising in automotive service. In this case, combining all the advantages of the layout, and mass, and goal orientation, and urgency.
Distribution and distribution of leaflets in trains, buses, trolley buses, at bus stations
Distributing flyers in transport have long been practiced by many companies. There is nothing from passengers, regardless. And if the train/bus/trolley to come in fifteen minutes, they have to stand and wait for the fifteen minutes. But just stand can be quite boring, so people with curiosity take them offered flyers to read and do not wait so boring.
Statistics show that a lot of people spend on public transport about half an hour a day. And this time he did not have enough interesting information, so he unconsciously begins to see and read all the ads that are in transport or that he handed promoter. During the trip, passengers thoroughly study each advertisement to arrival at destination, the person already knows where they sell windows, where to order building materials, etc. In addition, this type of advertising is practically not subject to weathering influences.